Friday, March 21, 2008

Happy Good Friday & Happy Easter!

Happy Good Friday! Though, the name is kind of an oxymoron b/c it wasn't a good Friday for Jesus all those years ago. As we get in the excitement of Easter this weekend-hunting eggs with our kids and grand kids and having dinner with our family-let's not forget what this holiday is really about. As it is with every holiday-it's commercialized.
Today is the day we honor the day Jesus was crucified-he died on the cross to pay for our sins b/c it was the only way that we could be forgiven of our sins and our debts paid so that when we die we can spend eternal life in Heaven with Christ. Easter is celebrated b/c that is the day he arose from the tomb.
Our church is having a sunrise service that morning (though with a two year old-I'm not sure if we'll make it but we'll be there for the rest of it!), then the church cooks breakfast and eats, then has a praise and worship service. My children's church kids are singing some Easter songs. They've been working hard, so they will do good I'm sure!
Tonight our church is having a foot washing service.
Well-I hope everyone enjoys this weekend and keep the true meaning of Easter in your heart-not just today but always.
Have a blessed weekend and Happy Easter!

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