Tuesday, October 2, 2007

25% off Items at Etsy Store!

Hello! I haven't been on in awhile. How is everyone? All of our Halloween and Fall items are25% OFF so hurry on over to HEART2HOME ETSY STORE at www.heart2home.etsy.com and shop til you drop! My mother in law has a new blog with the same ideas as this one so visit her blog at www.cozycountry.blogspot.com If you have any FALL decorating tips, recipes, etc please post them on here. All of October and November is a FALL theme, so please feel free to leave any tips or ideas that you have. I decorated my house inside and out yesterday while Chloe took a nap for Fall. I've had two of my very favorite big scarecrows that go outside stolen. They were stolen earlier in the summer. It makes me mad that people would do that. My mom gave me one of the scarecrows...she had it for years and then quit putting it out b/c teenage boys would take people's pumpkins in the neighborhood and throw them out in the street so I took it b/c I liked it. It was a little faded so it's not like it's worth anything. Probably some teens. but still....just burns me up! Well-here is a recipe for you. I made these last night....it's really quick, simple and easy! Rob and I love the cheesy biscuits at Red Lobster but ya know it's kind of expensive there so we hardly eat there. So, here's an easy way to make the same great tasting cheesy biscuits at home. I fixed spaghetti for supper last night and decided to make biscuits too. Now, I just used the Jiffy All purpose baking mix to make the biscuits but you can use any biscuit mix or if you have a homemade biscuit mix follow that recipe and then add in the rest.
Cheesy Garlic Biscuits
1 cup Jiffy All Purpose Baking Mix
2/3 c. Milk
1-2 cups shredded cheese-any kind
A palm full (about 2-3 tbs) of garlic pwdr

Pre-heat oven according to mix directions. Mix the ingredients together. Using a tablespoon, drop biscuits onto a spray-coated pan. Bake according to mix directions. Serve warm with butter....YUM-O!

OK-so I know it's not like some gourmet recipe....I did say it was QUICK, SIMPLE AND EASY!!!! With a 2 year old around, that's how I like it! but still, they were yummy! nothing to it! and they were better than Red Lobster if I do say so myself!

Health Tip of the Day:
Want to reduce the chance of having breast cancer? Drink lots of purple grape juice! I read in a magazine the other day that drinking grape juice reduces the risk of having breast cancer. I love drinking grape juice. I have a glass every morning! So ladies, drink lots of grape juice so you lower your risk!

Exercising Tips:
Don't have time to go to the gym to exercise? Or just don't have the energy to go (like me!). Here are 3 exercises you can do right in your own home or neighborhood.
This is the perfect time to start walking. Fall is the walking season. Now that the nights are cooler, take your kids or your honey and go walking. Rob and I went walking the other night at my favorite walking park and then sat on the bench for awhile and talked. Though we were "exercising" it was VERY romantic. We also take Chloe in the stroller with us-She loves it. Sometimes she gets out and walk too.
If you have young kids or young grandkids, playing with them is exercise in itself. Chloe loves to exercise with me. She loves to imitate me doing crunches and legs lift. We finish by running in place. She thinks it's fun and games. I'm getting a workout and burning calories and we're all having fun together!
A lot of magazines are really pushing here lately that a good way to exercise is to clean your house. You burn lots of calories and your house is clean! I hate to clean, so if I think of it has exercising instead of cleaning, it gets done faster! So start vacuuming and watch those calories go away!

Scripture of the Day:
Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33

God Bless You Always!
Love & Prayers


Junebug said...

I saw your post over at Pioneer Woman's blog. Just thought I'd say hi. My husband and I love those cheese biscuits at Red Lobster. I wonder though how do they get them to be so light? Do you think they put in extra baking powder? I love grape juice too. I hope you will visit my blog also.

~~Deby said...

The Biscuits sound yummmmy....
Love that scripture it is hanging in my house...and boy do all of these have new meaning right now..

Jules said...

I love your new blog. It is great! Thanks for all the tips!

Jules said...

I posted you on my blog. http://stampingstuff2.blogspot.com/ I enjoy reading this blog! Keep it up!

Colleen - the AmAzINg Mrs. B said...

Hi Melissa! I'm Colleen from http://mainstreetmemories.com
I read your comment on Tattered Nest - I have a question for you -are you a scrapbooker? I "think" you are - the reason I ask is that I work for a scrapbook company! Scenic Route paper company in Utah! Small world huh? I am a grandma but I'd be happy to be a "blogger-friend" as well. Take care and have a great day!

Unknown said...

Good job!! This blog is really looking great, I love it! That's funny, I'm making some biscuits tonight from Oprahs chef, he is famous for his biscuits, and I"m making Rachael Rays fire meatballs too! I love her website! I even entered Lou in her pet contest!

teacakebiscuit said...

Oh no, so sorry to hear about your scarecrows getting stolen. Some people are so mean, GRRR!

Junebug said...

Hi Melissa,
I have a question. I was wondering how you do that blogging buds things. I am new at this and I would like to set up the blogs I like that way too. I hope it's easy to do.
P.S. My daughter is named Melissa :))