Well-it's been awhile since I've made a post on here. I've been really busy. Chloe had the pink eye last week but only for a day Thank God! Rob's work hours are better and I'm subbing a lot. The church is going great! So that's a quick update. I've been reading a new book I got the other day called Simplify Your Space. It's a Women of Faith Book. I LOVE it! As I read, I'm going to post ideas and suggestions on here so visit me often! The author uses the CALM approach to organized space.
C= Create a plan A= Approach it by sections L=Lighten up and let go M= Manage it simply
The first chapter is taking your kitchen by sections, cleaning everything out, organizing it and getting rid of the things that aren't necessary to keep. I'm fixing to clean my kitchen this way so I will do a before and after pic! Until then, Hope everyone is having a good Monday and enjoy the rest of your week! God bless!
I would like to buy a pillow and that little blue pot pin cushion. How do I buy it without going through the store? I don't want to make you pay shipping though. That would not be fair.
Lookin good here!
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