Thursday, November 29, 2007

Season's Greetings!

Happy LATE Thanksgiving! Hope everyone had a blessed day and remembered to tell God thanks for all the blessings he's given you, both big and small, good and bad for it is only by his grace that we have what we have. I'm SO VERY SORRY that I haven't been on in an eternity. I've been subbing A LOT and the days I'm off I'm busy taking Chloe to "school", tumbling, doing grocery shopping, Christmas shopping, cleaning house-though it never seems to stay that way! you name it-It seems like time doesn't stand still long enough for me to collect my thoughts-and believe you me there's a lot of them running around up there! I hope everyone is doing well and getting ready for the wonderful Christmas season. It is very important in all of our hustle and bustle of the season to not ever forget, put last or take out what the TRUE, REAL & ONLY meaning of Christmas is...Jesus Christ's birthday-the Son of God who was born on this day to a virgin named Mary. God sent his ONLY son on this earth. He lived an incredible life of 33 years and then he was crucified between a cross and 3 nails to die for MY sins, to die for YOUR sins so that WE ALL would have the chance to believe, accept and live it so that we can live eternally in Heaven with him when our old bodies leave this worldly, sinful, wicked earth. Christmas has become too commercialized. People aren't even saying "Merry Christmas". It's now "Happy Holidays"-well guess they didn't realize that that "holiday" means "holy day". anyways-I get so tired of the true meaning being left out. it's not about presents, trees, lights, decorations or anything like that, though I enjoy all of that. It is a time to get together with your family-but I'm sure we all have family who doesn't believe in Christ or God, doesn't claim a faith or attend church who desperately need Christ so that they can be free from the eternal gates of hell- rather they realize it or not they are lost without Christ. It is our jobs as Christians to tell the WHOLE world about Christ-starting with the ones we love, the ones we're closest too-our family and friends. Don't leave Christ out of anything-your life, heart, prayers, thoughts, but especially Christmas. If we take Christ out of everything-we have lost all hope of surviving life on this earth and the hereafter. Give your loved one the best Christmas present they could ever receive-the gift of salvation. Help lead them to Christ so they too can live eternally with him in Heaven. If you are reading this and don't know him, or don't know him very well and want a closer relationship with him-don't wait another second. Pray earnestly right now and ask God to forgive you of your sins, live in your heart and life forever, live it, read your bible and pray daily and find a good bible teaching church and attend as often as you can so that you can grow in your walk with Christ through preaching, prayer, song, worship and fellowship with other believers. That's what it's all about. I know this is long, and I've probably rubbed some the wrong way, but it's the truth-God's truth-and it's my duty as a Christian to tell others about Christ and how to be saved and that's what I've done so be it if I've stepped on a few toes! Take care and I will try not to wait a month to blog again! Have a wonderful week-what's left of it- and a good weekend. Merry Christmas early and remember-JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON! God bless!

1 comment:

Junebug said...

I agree with you. Nice to hear from you. I was talking to my husband last Sunday about Christmas. I saidl, "You know, if people want to call Christmas some other name, then maybe they shouldn't celebrate Christmas 'cause it means the birth of Christ and nothing else! It is a "Christian" "Holy Day" and that's what it is. If they don't like it, why celebrate? They could make their own day and call it "Santamas" or "XDay" but don't make us change the name to generic, secular names. So I'm going to say "Merry Christmas" all I want everywhere I go. That's what I'm celebrating. Christ's birth!