Thursday, October 9, 2008
Zizzer Centennial Homecoming 2008
Last Friday was our homecoming parade and game. This year the West Plains High School is celebrating it's 100th Birthday! Happy Birthday Zizzers! Chloe's preschool was in the parade. Their float was a birthday cake with the kids being the candles. The 3 year old class (her class) wore shirts that said Zizzer Class of 2023 and the 4 yr old is class of 2022. They got first place in the float contest and made the front page of the paper! This was Chloe's first year to be in a parade so being the proud mama I am and scrapbooker, I took lots of pics! We went to the football game that night, but only stayed til halftime. It was a good game, but sadly the Zizzers lost. I'm proud to be a Zizzer Alumni and Class of 2000 Rocks! Go Big Red!!!!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Fall is almost here...and with it comes blog giveaways!
Also, check out my mother in law's blog. She has a giveaway as well. You have until the 22nd for it I think. You can click on Country Pleasures from my blog list to go to hers.
I know I haven't been on in forever, but I'm going to consolidate my blogs and just have one so I have more time and can keep it up with one blog better than 3. Hope everyone's summer has been great. Mine has been busy. I'm looking forward to fall. It's my favorite time of year!
Friday, May 30, 2008
Wordless Wednesday
Saturday, May 10, 2008
The Clothes Line....The Basic Rules
Do you remember?
1. You had to wash the clothesline before hanging
any clothes..... Walk the
length of each line with a
damp cloth around the line.
2. You had to hang the clothes in a certain order
and always hang whites
with whites and hang them first.
3. You never hung a shirt by the shoulders, always
by the tail...... What
would the neighbors think?
4. Wash day on a Monday...........never hang clothes
on the weekend or
Sunday for heaven's sake!
5. Hang the sheets and towels on the outside lines
so you could hide your
unmentionables' in the middle.
6. It didn't matter if it was sub zero
weather.....clothes would 'freeze dry
7. Always gather the clothes pins when taking down
dry clothes.... Pins left
on the line was 'tacky'.
8. If you were efficient, you would line the clothes
up so that each item
did not need two clothes pins, but
shared one of the clothes pins with the next washed
9. Clothes off of the line before dinnertime, neatly
folded in the clothes
basket and ready to be ironed.
10. IRONED?????????? ....Well, that's a whole other
A clothes line was a news forecast
To neighbors passing by.
There were no secrets you could keep
When clothes were hung to dry.
It also was a friendly link
For neighbors always knew
If company had stopped on by
To spend a night or two.
For then you'd see the 'fancy sheets'
And towels upon the line;
You'd see the 'company table cloths
With intricate design.
The line announced a baby's birth
To folks who lived inside
As brand new infant clothes were hung
So carefully with pride.
The ages of the children could
So readily be known
By watching how the sizes changed
You'd know how much they'd grown.
It also told when illness struck,
As extra sheets were hung;
Then nightclothes, and a bathrobe, too,
Haphazardly were strung.
It said, 'Gone on vacation now
When lines hung limp and bare.
It told, 'We're back!' when full lines sagged
With not an inch to spare.
New folks in town were scorned upon
If wash was dingy gray,
As neighbors carefully raised their brows,
And looked the other way..
But clotheslines now are of the past
For dryers make work less.
Now what goes on inside a home
Is any body's guess.
I really miss that way of life.
It was a friendly sign
When neighbors knew each other best
By what hung on the line!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
May 8, 2008
I'm thankful for a lot of things. Since today is my birthday, I guess I'll start with that. I'm thankful that I'm alive and that God has given me yet another day to be with my family and those I love and care about. I'm thankful for the wonderful, Christian man he has brought into my life. He's an amazing husband and daddy. I'm thankful for our precious almost 3 year old daughter that God gave us. She's the joy of our life.
I'm thankful for my salvation, for Jesus dying on the cross to pay for my sins.
I'm thankful for my parents, grandparent and my mother & father in law. I'm thankful for the friends I have.
I'm thankful for our church and the ministry God has provided for us there.
I'm thankful for a lot of things.
To sum it up, I'm thankful for the life God gave me and I'm just trying to live it for him and serve him. I'm thankful for all the blessings around me.
Today, it is actually trying to be sunny instead of raining like it has the last couple of days, so I'm thankful for that!
I'm thankful for all my blogging buddies and for having a place like this that I come and share my life stories, vent when I need to and meet great women online.
Thank you God for all you've given me and blessed me with!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Thankful Thursday
I am thankful first and foremost for God and Jesus. For Christ dying on the cross to pay for my sins. I'm thankful for my salvation.
I'm thankful for a wonderful Christian husband that God has blessed me with and our beautiful daughter he has given us.
I'm thankful for my parents and growing up in a Christian home.
I'm thankful for wonderful in-laws. I have a wonderful mother in law whom I share a lot with: the love of scrap booking, crafts, and photography but most importantly-the love of Christ. We attend church together and I love that I get to worship God every Sunday with family.
I'm thankful for all my family and friends.
I'm thankful for a nice house to live in, food and clothes. God has provided my family with our basic needs.
I'm thankful for our finances getting better. We've paid off so much in the last couple of years.
I'm thankful for Spring-the weather has been so nice lately-today it is raining but not much. I know we need the rain and come July and August, we'll be wishing we had rain, so I won't complain!
I'm thankful for the life God has given me and for another day to wake up, live my life and be with my family and those that I love and care about the most.
Last, but not least-I'm thankful for all the friends I've made through blogging and I look forward to making more friends in the future. All you have blessed me in some way each time I read your blogs. I'm blessed to know you and I'm thankful for you!
God bless you all!
My first Blog Award!
I have been given my first blog award! Yea! In turn, I am giving the award to some of my favorite blogs to visit. Thanks Sue for making my day! I hope I can do the same for others!
And the award goes to......
The 3 J's
Alpicks Treasures
Daughter of the King
Utah Grammie
Thanks ladies for having wonderful blogs! I try to visit your blogs as often as I can. I sub a lot, and that doesn't always allow me to get on the internet. Anyways-enjoy your award! Keep on bloggin'!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
My own twist to Chocolate Chip Cookies
Rob's dad came over today and we had a BBQ tonight. We grilled hamburgers and hot dogs. They were yummy! I made some chocolate chip cookies. The recipe calls for 2 tsp of vanilla extract and I accidentally goofed and put in 2 tsp of maple syrup extract but it actually tasted really good. I also substituted wheat flour for regular flour so here is my chocolate chip recipe with a few changes. Enjoy!
Whole Wheat Chocolate Chip Maple Cookies
2 1/4 cup of wheat flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup of butter
1/2 cup granulated sugar
3/4 cup brown sugar
2 tsp maple syrup extract
2 eggs
1 pkg chocolate chip cookies
Stir in all the ingredients. Microwave for 45 seconds to 1 minute to soften the mix. Drop balls onto a greased cookie sheet. Bake at 375 degrees for 8-10 minutes.
This is how I make my cookies. The actual recipe calls for mixing a couple of the ingredients together and set aside while beating other ingredients and then adding them all together and putting on a cookie sheet. I do it all together so save on time. Prep time for this is only about 5 minutes. Serve warm and enjoy!
Monday, April 7, 2008
Family Times
We enjoyed a big Easter dinner at my grandma's house on Easter Sunday. She made this bunny cake in the picture above: I will have to get the recipe from her and post it sometime. We were to go to Rob's mom's for dinner but only he went b/c Chloe was fussy and crabby all that day and I kept her home. She had a big day.
I've been subbing a lot the last 2 weeks, so that's why I haven't posted in awhile.
We had a family BBQ at our house over the weekend. Rob's parents and his brother and sister in law and their kids came over Sat night for a BBQ. The kids played outside all afternoon with Chloe's new kitten, Max. We grilled burgers, brats, hot dogs and had chips, dip, cheese, crackers, baked beans, corn on the cob and shells and cheese. Mmmm Mmmmm good! My mother in law made a lemon cake for dessert. That was delic!
It's been nice weather after 2 weeks of almost non-stop rain-we got like 16 inches I think over the course of 2 weeks. It was nice to have a warm weekend and be able to be out in it and enjoy the day with family.
Now, there is rain in the forecast almost everyday this week...bummer....Spring is teasing with us. Of course, as the saying goes...April showers brings May flowers...but still...I'm ready for it to be warm everyday not just here and there with rain in between.
Anyways-we had a good weekend and got to enjoy warm weather and good food with our family so I thought it would be nice to post that on this blog since it's a family oriented blog.
Have a good Monday and enjoy your week!
God bless!
Saturday, March 29, 2008
In Memory of Boomer
I just read at my mother in laws blog Country Pleasures about Boomer. He's a 3 year old boy who drowned sometime this past week. His parents are the new youth pastors at Brin's church. Visit her blog for more on Boomer. The family just had a baby girl and with hospital bills and funeral expenses they need all the financial help they can get. If you feel led to help, please donate $5. Brin has a paypal account set up to do that. The details are on her blog. Let's keep this family in our prayers. I have a daughter who will be 3 in July-I'd be completely devestated if something ever happened to her. She's my life-my world. I will be keeping this family in my prayers. Sometimes, we don't understand why things happen and might even question God, but somewhere down the road someone who is not saved will come to know Christ as their Savior because of Boomer. We also have to realize he's in a better place now and we should celebrate with him bc he's with Jesus! I wish I were there now. God bless you all and may peace and comfort rest with Boomer's family.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Happy Easter!
Friday, March 21, 2008
Happy Good Friday & Happy Easter!
Today is the day we honor the day Jesus was crucified-he died on the cross to pay for our sins b/c it was the only way that we could be forgiven of our sins and our debts paid so that when we die we can spend eternal life in Heaven with Christ. Easter is celebrated b/c that is the day he arose from the tomb.
Our church is having a sunrise service that morning (though with a two year old-I'm not sure if we'll make it but we'll be there for the rest of it!), then the church cooks breakfast and eats, then has a praise and worship service. My children's church kids are singing some Easter songs. They've been working hard, so they will do good I'm sure!
Tonight our church is having a foot washing service.
Well-I hope everyone enjoys this weekend and keep the true meaning of Easter in your heart-not just today but always.
Have a blessed weekend and Happy Easter!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Ulitmate Blog Party Winner and Easter Egg Swap
If you read my blog on Mama's Angel then you know about the Ultimate Blog Party going on last week. Well, I had a giveaway sign up and I am now going to announce the winner.
And the winner is......
Tori's Mimi!
I have left you a comment on your blog so I hope you get this! If I don't hear from you in a couple of days I will have to redraw a name. Thanks to all those who left comments and all of the nice new people I met through the party. I hope to get the party started sooner next year.
Also...I am hosting a Easter Egg swap. You just decorate a plastic egg with paper, material, stickers, ribbon-whatever you want and swap with any of the others signed up on the list. So far, I've got 5 already signed up so if you're interested please let me know ASAP as Easter is Sunday so we can get those out in the mail soon! Just leave me a post on here and email me your address (
Thanks, and happy blogging!
Happy St Patrick's Day!
I bet most of you don't know the story behind St Patrick's day or the shamrock? I didn't until I taught the lesson yesterday in Children's Church. I have a lesson book for different holidays so I did the one for SPD.
Well here is the story behind SPD and the real way it is celebrated (in Ireland-not here).
Patrick is a guy who believe it or not is not Irish. He's not from Ireland. He's from England and he was sold as a child slave and sent to Ireland. As he grew up, he went to seminary school and lived his life serving God and telling others about Jesus, how he loves them and how they can be saved. He felt that God led him to Ireland to tell the Irish people about Jesus and who he really was.
He used the Shamrock to teach them about the Trinity: God as one and 3 persons: God the Father, The Son, and the Holy Ghost. If you notice-the shamrock is one, but has 3 points and that is what it represents. It's God but also the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
Today, in Ireland-SPD is not celebrated as it is here. They go to church for worship. I'm not sure about the whole wearing green, getting pinched and all that goes with it but SPD was not originally celebrated to wear green, get pinched, have parties and so on-it was intended to honor a man who spent his life telling others about Jesus Christ so that they could be saved. Isn't that our duty as Christians?
So-today-if you're wearing green and you happen to have on a shamrock-you should share the story of what the TRUE meaning of the shamrock and St Patrick's Day is really about.
Friday, March 14, 2008
I would like to do an Easter egg swap. If you are interested sign up here or on the forum at Mary Janes Farm (look for topic Easter Egg Hunt in the General Forums posted by Crafty Chic). All you have to do is decorate a plastic egg with stickers, paper, material, ribbons-however you see fit! Use your uniqueness and have fun with it! I will give it a few days for those interested to sign up so we can get them mailed out soon, seeing that Easter is a week away. Well-hope everyone has a great weekend and sign up for my swap!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Blog Party '08
Monday, March 10, 2008
Let's take a walk down history lane....
Rocky Ridge Farm in
Laura Ingalls Wilder was 65 when she wrote Little House series
This is the Ingalls' plot in the De Smet cemetery (L-to-R: Carrie, Mary, baby, Ma and Pa). Laura and her husband, Almanzo, are buried near their farm in
This is the where the dugout home was when the Ingalls lived on the Banks of Plum Creek (she wrote a book based on her life there. I had that book as a kid-I think I still have it somewhere). This is all that is left of the dugout. It caved in some time ago.
The photographer took these pics standing at the bottom of the creek. Looking up you can see the board which is where their dugout home was.
This is the museum in Walnut Grove.
This is an actual picture of the Ingalls girls. If you ask me-they did a pretty good job when they casted the girls that played them in the tv show Little House on the Prairie.
Laura Ingalls was born in Wisconsin in the 1860s. Her parents, Charles and Caroline, moved the family around the Midwest throughout the 1870s and 1880s. During their numerous moves around the Midwest, the Ingalls lived in a sod "dugout" on Plum Creek, near the town of Walnut Grove, Minnesota.
In 1880, Charles got a job for a railroad company on the barren plains of eastern South Dakota in what is today the town of De Smet and moved his family there. Laura, who was 13 when she moved to De Smet, finished high school there and became a school teacher, married Almanzo Wilder a few years later, then moved with him to Missouri.
When Laura was in her 50's, she began writing about her childhood adventures in the various places that she'd lived. She based her book, On the Banks of Plum Creek on her experiences of living in the sod dugout near Walnut Grove, and based another book, called Little House on the Prairie, on her experiences of living in a little house -- and on the prairie, no less -- in Independence, Kansas. She based several other books, including "The Long Winter" and "On the Shores of Silver Lake," on her later experiences in De Smet, South Dakota.
In the 1970s, NBC created a television series based on Laura's childhood experiences, although the producers took some liberties with her stories. Instead of having the family live in a dirt cave, they gave the family a wooden house, called the town "Walnut Grove" (which has a better ring than "De Smet," I guess), and called the series "Little House on the Prairie," though it wasn't set anywhere near Independence, Kansas. This was an amalgam of her experiences in
*to credit where I got the pictures and info here is the link*
I grew up watching the t.v. shows. It was one of my favorites and I still enjoy the reruns. I hope to own the seasons on DVD one of these days. Historical events fascinate me. I hope you enjoyed this little history lesson! I live about and hour and half from Laura's home in Mansfield. I've been to it as a kid. We took a class trip there in elementary. I hope to go back some day with my family.Take care and God bless!
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Happy Weekend!
I have joined Mary Janes Farm. I am now a farm girl! My user name over there is Crafty Chic so if you're a farm girl look me up over there and say hi! I can't wait until we buy a house out in the country (which we have our eye on one) and then I will be a true blue farm girl. I'm definitely a farm girl at heart. I can't wait to have my own garden, and chickens. We're going to have goats. I want to learn to make soap, lotion, all sorts of things. I can sew so at least I've got that already! If you're not a MJF gal then you should sign up! Just go to The website is awesome and I'm so glad I joined!
I "borrowed" this image from my mother in love (thanks Sue!). This weekend is Daylight Savings Time. So, don't forget to set your clocks forward. So, if we're SPRINGING forward, I sure hope that means Spring is just around the corner b/c let me tell you I am sooooo tired of the snow and cold weather. We had snow again this week. I'm sick of it! I want to be able to wear capris and flip flops!
Well-I hope everyone enjoys their weekend. Happy blogging! God bless you all!
Monday, March 3, 2008
Pray for us please......
Saturday, March 1, 2008
A Legacy Says Good-bye On Leap Day
First of all- I copied the pic off my mother in law's blog-Country Pleasures. Thanks Sue! So-it is kind of interesting that Leap Year comes only once very 4 years. Ever think about why that is so? I do. I wonder what causes us to have an extra day in the month of February every 4 years? I guess God knew that once in a great while, we could use an extra day in our busy lives. I sometimes wish it came more than once every 4 years-how about you?
Well-this Leap Year was interesting for me. My great grandma Faye passed away about 1:00 that morning. She was 93 years old. She had been in the nursing home for about 5 years now. She had Alzheimer's Disease so she didn't really know much or anyone the last couple of years. She was a very devout Christian. She is no longer sick, hurting or in pain and she is in Heaven with Jesus, her husband and my grandpa. She is my mom's grandma.
She was a good old fashion, down to earth, plain Jane. The most important thing to her was her family. She always fed you when you came over. I remember every time we went to visit she gave me candy. I always ate those peanut butter things you get at Halloween in the black and orange wrappers. I will miss her, but I know she's in a much better place.
The only weird and sad thing is that b/c she died on Leap day, we can only honor the day she died once every 4 years. But, her memory and legacy will be alive and remembered every day of every year. My husband Rob is officiating the service. This is his first funeral so be in prayer for him. A lot of my family that will be there aren't saved and don't attend church. I pray that God can use her remarkable life to witness to them so they will accept him as their savior and change their life. Keep our family in your prayers.
On a happier note-Happy Leap Year! God bless!
Friday, February 22, 2008
Another Ice Day
I haven't been on in a couple of days so I didn't do any Valentine's Day posts. I hope everyone had a good V-DAY and celebrated the day with the one you love. I told Rob I didn't want us to buy each other gifts this year. I had been doing little things each day-1 for every day of Feb until the 14th. He got me a really romantic card & he surprised me and took Valentine's day off (normally he would work 8:30am-7:30pm and we wouldn't have gotten to go out). This was the best gift of all b/c I enjoy spending time with him. Between him working full time at Alltel and being a pastor-I feel I don't see him much. He's been off the last two days so that was nice! He took me to Colton's that night for supper. I had the catfish-yum-o! We've had ice here the last couple of days. It's really slick out there. I've got some laundry to fold, dishes, beds to make and vacuum and then the rest of the day is mine so I'm going to do some crafting! If you've got some "nice" weather going on that's keeping you stuck inside-make a day out of it! Read a book that you never have time for, read a magazine (my two favorites are Woman's Day & All You), work on a craft project you've been wanting to do or curl up on the couch and watch a romantic movie that you know your hubby will never watch with you! At any rate-this is your day to do what YOU want-so relax and enjoy it! I know I'm going to!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Looks, like SNOW, but it's ICE!!!
The sidewalk in front of our house
It looks like snow but it's not-its a thick layer of ice. This was taken Monday morning, the day it was raining. We had a ice storm all day and night Monday night. It's still on the ground today. A lot has melted but as cold as it will be tonight, it will freeze again. The pics I took are looking out my front door. Chloe thinks its snow. It's a doozy walking on our sidewalk. It's really slick. I can't get my car out of our driveway b/c it steeps down. Well-I could probably get it out, but coming back in, I'd probably slide right into the house! The schools have been canceled Since Monday but I think they will be going back tomorrow. Chloe and I have just been hanging out here. A friend of mine from church and her 3 kids came over yesterday. We went out for lunch and the kids played at the house while Michelle and I visited. It was nice to get out for awhile after being cooped up inside the last coupe of days! Chloe has her valentine's day party tomorrow at school. We made her box earlier today. It was her first box. She's excited about her party tomorrow! I'm off to figure out supper, so everyone take care and Happy Valentine's Day!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Sweetheart Banquet @ church
The Newlywed Game Winners!
We had our Valentine's Sweetheart Banquet @ church Saturday night. It was SOOOOO much fun! The men cooked for the ladies and served us and did the dishes! I even have pics for proof! Rob & I were one of the 4 couples to play the newlywed game. Rob's mom & stepdad attend church there and they played the game too. And they won! They made a good comeback b/c in the first round they were losing but they made a comeback and won the game! It was so much fun! Rob & I were crowned King & Queen! Ahh! We also had categories for the hen-pecked husband, the man with the best hair (a bald man won that one!!!) and the most love sick couple! An older couple won that one! It was so much fun! I can't wait til next year! Yesterday was the 6th anniversary of the day Rob proposed to me :) I've been doing a valentine for him every day since the 1st so yesterday I gave him a valentine card that when you open it up it plays the song "At Last". I would say yes to him a gazillion times over! He's my best friend, my soulmate, the love of my life. He's the best valentine in the world! I got more valentine's in the mail today and when I get all of them, I will post a pic. It was fun participating in the V-day card swap. I want to do this every year! Well-I hope everyone is enjoying their day. We are having ice rain today. The roads are slick. There's another storm on its way now. I hope that it won't get too bad where we're without power. That happened to a neighboring town 2 hours away last winter and some parts of that town still haven't fully recooperated and that was a year ago. So-please keep our town and surrounding areas in your prayers. Have a good week and God bless!
Friday, February 8, 2008
Chocolate Giveaway @ Country Pleasures
My mother-in-love is having a giveaway on her blog at Country Pleasures (you can go to it from my blog-just click on the link under A Family Tradition). It's got to do with chocolate and that's all she's telling us! You have until Valentine's day to sign up so hurry on over to sign up! Who doesn't love chocolate? Yum-O!!!!
Saturday, February 2, 2008
A Game of Tag!
I found this pic off the internet. It's cute. It's strawberries in the shape of hearts. Very fitting for Valentine's Day!
I've been tagged to answer these questions all with the #4 so here goes!
4 Movies I'd watch over and over: The Notebook, Because I Said So, Sweet Home Alabama & The Love Comes Softly Series
4 Places I've lived: I have only lived in Missouri, but Rob & I have moved a lot so I'll just list the first 4 streets we've lived on: Sesson St, Arkansas St, Utah St, & W. Third (now we live on E Third! With 2 other moves between W 3rd & E 3rd)
4 Shows I watch: Jericho, 24, One Tree Hill & FRIENDS (cuz I own all 10 Seasons-I used to watch Gilmore Girls when it was on-it's my fav show-I plan on buying all 7 of those seasons!)
4 Places I have been: Panama, Mexico, Louisville KY, Memphis TN
4 People who email me: Sue, Sheila, Rob & Danny L
4 Favorite things to eat: Chinese, Mexican, Ravioli & Pizza
4 Places I would rather be: Heaven, church, in a new house & ditto Sue-I'm always happy at home
4 Things that I look forward to this year: watching Chloe grow-she will be 3 this year!, buying our first home, our new church that my hubby pastors growing, & seeing friends & family members that have strayed from God or don't know God to be saved, come back to him & be in church
4 people to tag: Terri, Jules, Nin & Deby so girls Tag your it! Have fun!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Snowy Days & Hot Chocolate Go Hand In Hand
White Peppermint Hot Chocolate Recipe
- 8 oz white chocolate, chopped
- 3 1/2 cups milk
- 6 hard peppermint candies, crushed fine
- 1/2 tsp peppermint extract
- 2/3 cup whipping cream
Serves 4
Monday, January 28, 2008
Simplify Your Space
Well-it's been awhile since I've made a post on here. I've been really busy. Chloe had the pink eye last week but only for a day Thank God! Rob's work hours are better and I'm subbing a lot. The church is going great! So that's a quick update. I've been reading a new book I got the other day called Simplify Your Space. It's a Women of Faith Book. I LOVE it! As I read, I'm going to post ideas and suggestions on here so visit me often! The author uses the CALM approach to organized space.
C= Create a plan A= Approach it by sections L=Lighten up and let go M= Manage it simply
The first chapter is taking your kitchen by sections, cleaning everything out, organizing it and getting rid of the things that aren't necessary to keep. I'm fixing to clean my kitchen this way so I will do a before and after pic! Until then, Hope everyone is having a good Monday and enjoy the rest of your week! God bless!
I made the red heart pillow for our Etsy store. It's available now so head on over to and shop til you drop! Remember-any of my items that I list on my blogs, if you buy directly from me, I won't charge you shipping and handling!